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Friends of Chartres – Annual Dinner

64 Restaurant Chichester College Westgate Fields, Chichester

The offer includes a 3 course dinner, a welcome drink and gratuity. Ticket Price Members £23.00 per person - Non Members £25.00 per person Please note normally it is paid parking in Chichester College car park however people eating in The 64 Restaurant (the location of our meal) are exempt from paying PROVIDED that the […]

Friends of Chartres – Annual General Meeting

The Old Dojo New Park Centre, New Park Road, Chichester, West Sussex

The Friends of Chartres Annual General Meeting will be followed by a Fish and Chip supper Cost of Fish and Chips £13.50 per person

Conversation Circles: May to July 2023

Groups meet monthly for lively, informal conversation in French. We welcome new members, whatever your level of French at Petit Cercle meetings.  For the Cercle Avancé, you need to be reasonably fluent to contribute to the conversation, but we are happy for you to listen if you wish to improve your French. Petit Cercle du […]


Assembly Rooms Chichester Council Offices

The four Chichester twinning associations are putting on a joint event on Monday June 26: An Evening with Simon Brett Renowned author and script-writer Simon Brett will present anecdotes and experiences from his life. His work includes writing detective fiction, play-wright and producer of radio and television, appearances on game shows and very much more. […]

Coronation Gala: July 1st

Priory Park Priory Park, Chichester, West Sussex

Coronation Gala: Priory Park All day fun activities and entertainment to celebrate the coronation of King Charles III Many local groups will be represented, including the Friends of Chartres.

Song for Sanctuary

Chichester Cathedral West Street, Chichester

Concert to raise awareness and funds for refugees from around the world. Performers include the Grand Choeur de Maitrise of Chartres Cathedral who performed with the Chichester Singers during the 60th anniversary year of the twinning between Chartres and Chichester. Tickets available from the Chichester Festival Box Office at The Novium: Nave: £25, aisles, £15 […]

Social at Fishbourne Centre: Friday September 15

The Fishbourne Centre Blackboy Lane, Fishbourne, Chichester

Friends of Chartres Social, Friday September 15, 6.00 pm onwards at the Fishbourne Centre. Try your skill at boules, enjoy a fish and chip supper and test your knowledge in our fun quiz. Further details to be circulated in August.

Away Day to Wallace Collection, Hertford House, London

Wallace Collection Hertford House, Manchester Square, London, United Kingdom

We are arranging an Away day for members to the Wallace Collection, Hertford House, Manchester Square, London W1U3BN on Saturday October 21. There will be a guided tour of the gallery at 2.00 pm , after which you can browse the gallery at your own pace. Lunches and teas are available in the beuatiful Courtyard […]

Cine Club Sunday 12th November

New Park Cinema New Park Rd., Chichester

Sunday November 12 : 5.30 pm     Micmacs The Studio, New Park Community Centre, PO19 7XY Full title:  MicMacs à tire-larigot  (Non-stop Shenanigans)  - tells us all we need to know.

Christmas Soirée: Thursday November 30

The Sherborne Room in the Bishop's Palace Canon Lane Chichester Canon Lane, Chichester

Social evening with wine and cheese at in the historic Sherbourne Room at The Bishop's Palace, Canon Lane, Chichester 7.30 - 9.30 pm